Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weekend Recap

When I got home after my amazing run my mom and grandma were already here just waiting for me. I talked with them for a bit and then hoped in the shower and finally got dressed for the day, at 3pm. I decided to make some more homemade bread for them to have with dinner so I got that going while chatting with them. We talked for a bit and then they had to get going to church and I got going on making dinner for them. It was nice to be in control of the cooking so I know what I am eating, but it is so hard with my grandma around. As I mentioned before she always overcooks and we have a bunch of leftovers. I was just planning on making some pasta, roasting some squash and having bread. My grandma also brought corn that she wanted me to make and really wanted me to make stuffed squash (roasted acorn squash filled with stuffing. yum). Who can say no to their grandma?!? So, I obviously ended up cooking way to much food for dinner. I had a bite of everything and counted the calories. It was good and worth it.

This morning my mom and I took little lady back down for the last day of ArtPrize. (The main reason for this visit was that my mom wanted to see ArtPrize.) It was nice because we got down there fairly early and it wasn't to crowded. We walked around for over 2 hours so I am counting that as one of my cross-training days for this week.

We came home and grandma had of course cooked a huge feast for us. Thankfully, it was just chicken stir fry, but she made enough for everyone to have at least 3 servings. It was good, but it looks like we will be eating leftovers all week.

My grandma also has a sweet tooth so she brought some donuts and coffee cake. She must have crazy self control because she is always around this type of stuff and is not huge at all. Right now we have 3 huge peanut buttery donuts and 3/4 of a coffee cake sitting in the kitchen. I told myself I wasn't going to touch any of it, but I had 1/4 of a donut and a piece of  coffee cake. I counted the calories though and am fine. I just hope I can restrain myself. I hope the hubby doesn't mind taking it to work tomorrow. :)

I wanted to post about this yesterday, but didn't want to ruin my runners high from the amazing run. I overindulged again on Friday night. I think I was tired and didn't realize it in time to help myself. I did start out strong though. I had eaten dinner on Friday night and just didn't feel full. I wanted to snack and didn't let myself for awhile. I actually had some tea earlier than usual and that held me over for awhile. After another hour went by, I just still felt hungry. I decided that maybe I was just really hungry. I warmup up some leftovers from taco night and ate one taco. I felt a little better and was ok with that. Then all of a sudden I remembered the delicious chips from taco night. I had 2 servings and put them away. I was mad that I ate them, but happy I stopped with 2. However, the eating didn't stop there. A half hour later I still felt hungry and snacked for awhile. I went to bed shortly after that, pissed off at myself for not just skipping the snacks and going to sleep early. Oh well, this is real life.

On the positive side, I woke up Saturday and went right back on track. I didn't weigh myself because I knew there would obviously be a gain and I just didn't need to see it. (I did weigh in today and there is still a gain.) I used to let binges bring me down for days/weeks/months at a time. It is a huge success for me to let it only ruin a night. I think I am ready for the next step though. I would like to stay binge free for 30 days. They say 21 days to create a new habit so I say 30 days to make it stick. In 30 days it will be November 6th. I will be a new person by then, right? I would also be happy with just a whole week binge free. I seem to have one bad day every week. Not this week though.

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