Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I might be losing my mind

Today I had a 3 mile run on the schedule. I was debating with myself about when I would get it done. I really miss being able to get up, drink a cup of coffee, get my run out of the way and then enjoy the day. With the weather changing I just can't run early with little lady. This morning I drank my coffee and was thinking about just running this evening once the hubby is home. Then I realized that little lady and I had absolutely nothing official on the schedule today so there was no reason not to run before her nap. We did have to go grocery shopping so we eventually got dressed, out of the house and bought our groceries. Once we got back I was secretely hoping it would be to late to run, but no of course we had over an hour until lunch time so I couldn't back out. It was beautiful out but I just hate pushing the jogging stroller lately.

I dragged myself out there though. I jogged for about 2 minutes and just wanted to quit. There was only one time that I actually didn't finish a run that I started and I was feeling similar to that day. I decided that since I am really struggling with the jogging stroller again that I would let myself do intervals and not feel bad at all about it. (It was either that or quit and I just couldn't quit.) I stopped jogging at 3 minutes in and walked for a minute. I told myself that even if I just kept running for 3 minutes and walked for 1, I would count this as a 3 mile run. My next running spurt I felt a bit better and decided to do 4 minutes of running before stopping. I decided to then do 5 minutes and work back down to 3 minutes again. When I started what would be my 5 minute running period I felt better and decided to just go for a bit. I don't run with anything to tell me how far I have gone, but from when I borrowed a Garmin I sort of know around where to turn. For example, in order to run an out and back for 3 miles I run until the 3rd street and then turn around. For some reason today I never remembered crossing the 2nd street. During my 3rd running burst I told myself to run until I crossed the 2nd street then I could take a walking break. It was taking me forever to get there. I looked down at my watch and was shocked to see it was almost 20 minutes. I could not believe how slow I must be running. In my mind it hadn't even been a mile and it had taken me almost 20 minutes. I was so frustrated. Little lady was starting to whine so I decided to just run until 25 minutes and then turn back wherever I was at. I got to what I thought was the second road and stopped. I was pretty sure this was the 3rd street that should be my turning point. I stood there awkwardly for a minute trying to decide what to do. Since little lady was fussing and I thought it looked like the 3mile turn point, I turned and headed back. I was pretty sure that I had cut my run short and was coming up with plans to work with my training schedule. I have a 2 mile run and strength training for Thursday and I thought about switching them around. Just as I was deciding to just count this run as my 2 mile run, I ran over the 2nd road. I had some how not noticed crossing the second road, I was on track for 3 miles! I also ended up running the whole way back without walking breaks thanks to a sweet group of ladies that ran past me. I love our trail and the people that run on it! These ladies had passed me coming towards me and had yelled out a, 'keep up the good work mama!' and then must have turned at some point and came up behind me and passed again. They yelled out more encouraging words to me. It was so nice and definately needed. I could hear people coming from behind me and I figured once they passed, I would walk again. When it was these ladies and they were cheering me on I some how felt like I couldn't let them down and just kept running. I must have been emotional because I also teared up a bit. I ended up finishing my 3 miles in 37:39. I only ended up walking 3 or 4 of those minutes. I am definitely not breaking any records out there, but I am pushing a stroller. :)

I am feeling much more positive since my run too. I have some fun news to share. It's here! It's here!
I am so excited to hate this thing!

We picked up the treadmill from the hubby's brother last night since hubs ended up being super busy all weekend. I sort of hounded hubby because I was afraid his bro would think we didn't really want it and get rid of it. The hubby didn't mention that it was broken when his brother offered it to him so I was slightly upset at first. However, I am married to Mr. Fix It. Before he even brought it in the house he had it fixed! I am excited. It's nothing fancy but it works (now) and hopefully I will use it this winter. I almost thought about running on it today, but I know I will be bored on it so I want to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.

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