Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weekend Recap

I know, I am slightly behind here. I had a great weekend, but lost steam some time on Sunday. I was really proud of myself on Friday night. I was feeling a binge coming on and did overeat, but actually counted everything I ate and was over by 200 calories. I felt ok about it and didn't count it as a binge because I did feel in control the whole time. I really felt genuinely hungry.

Saturday was busy crazy day of Farmers market, long run and a baby shower. I kept my calories in line even counting the food at the shower and not using my run calories. I was feeling really good!
Then Sunday hit. I don't know what went wrong, but I should have just stayed in bed. We had planned on meeting up with the husband's mom and step dad for some fall fun. We went to a pumpkin patch and an apple orchard. It was really fun but none of the kid activities were open before noon. That left one delicious option to keep us entertained. Doughnuts. We sat around and enjoyed coffee and doughnuts. I did good while there. I had half of a pumpkin cream cheese and half of a caramel apple doughnut. I figured one doughnut wouldn't hurt me. I was thinking about this long term and I know that I don't want to spend the rest of my life avoiding cider mill doughnuts, that's no way to live! I don't want to pick up doughnuts each trip to the grocery store either so I feel happy with an occasional cider mill doughnut. 
Little lady picking out the perfect pumpkin.

Little lady thought it was fun to "swim" in the rocks at the apple orchard.
Unfortunately/fortunately my husband doesn't seem to have a problem with self control. He bought a dozen doughnuts for us all to share. We maybe ate 6 doughnuts there and brought the rest home. I am guessing you can see where this story is going? We got home and I am still feeling this funk that I am fighting to get out of. I decided I would eat one more doughnut while I cooked a squash for lunch. One lead to two which lead to all sorts of other food mistakes. It also ended with me requesting pizza for dinner. We cooked frozen pizza and I ate three slices because I was seriously so stuffed from the day long binge I had been on. I was so uncomfortable that I nearly cried. I just wanted to puke and sleep it off. We watch some tv and the hubby put his arm around me. I wanted to cry because the weight of his arm was crushing my now bloated stomach and it was physically painful. 

I woke up on Monday morning with that great womanly surprise that explains why you just want to eat and cry. Ugh, gross. I did weigh myself which I knew would be crazy, but I tend to not weigh myself the day after a binge then struggle to get my eating back on track until I finally weigh in and accept it. I actually saw 175 again. I felt defeated but I knew a lot of it was water weight. By the time I got dressed my weight was 172. This morning I was back in the 160s so I am ok. I have to remember that this is not a race. It took my all summer to get out of the 170s so I am fine if it takes me all fall to get out of the 160s. Well, as long as I head to the 150s. I will do it eventually.

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