Saturday, October 13, 2012

Long run, long day

Another Saturday, another long run done. I am starting to get both nervous and excited for the soon to be here 10k. I have only one last long run to get in before the race. How exciting! I will officially be running it alone, which I think I am actually thankful for. I would love to have someone running with me, but at the same time I have been training for this for what will be 8 weeks. I feel like I am ready for it and want to see what I can accomplish. I don't really know what to expect.

I usually run my long runs at an average pace of between 11:30 and 12:00 so ideally I think I could finish in an hour and fifteen. Although both of my 5ks have surprised me and I average between 10:30 and 11:00 pace. I was thinking I could for sure make my goal, but then everyone keeps talking up these hills. I honestly will not feel bad at all if it takes me longer than expected. The goal I really want to achieve is to run the whole thing. However again if the hills are to much for me, I will not feel bad walking. I have totally stuck to my training plan with the exception of one day and I am proud of myself for that. I am realizing what a time commitment it is to run longer races (not that a 10k is a super long race, but it definitely takes more time to train for than my 5ks).

The road leading to my running trail
Today I had 5 miles on the schedule. I was actually really looking forward to it because of how amazing last weeks long run went. I ended up running over 4.75 when I only set out to run 4.5 and really could have kept going. I was hoping for that same high today. It wasn't there. The weather did not look promising at all for the weekend. Rain, rain every day. We had a few errands to get done Saturday morning and it was pouring while we were out. I was thinking about possibly doing my long run Sunday. We got home in the afternoon and hubby planned on relaxing so was fine with me running then. The rain had let up but I secretly wasn't feeling it. I checked the weather and it looked like ran for Sunday too and since it wasn't raining at that moment and hubby was offering to keep little lady in check, I dressed for the run.

It was cold so I wore pants, t shirt, and a long sleeve running shirt. I headed out and hoped for the best. The first half felt like it took forever but it wasn't a tough run (if that makes sense). At 2.5 miles, I turned to head back. Within a half mile, the ran started back up. I started to feel really paranoid about my iPod getting wet. I was wishing that I hadn't brought it, but I am starting to really like music on my long runs. I pushed it further up my sleeve and hoped for the best. I think my focus being shifted to my iPod helped to make the time pass quicker. Although I was definitely wet at this point. My pants were my first pair of running pants and are a bit to big, add water to that and they weighed a more and were trying to slide off. I looked like a mess, but felt like a bad ass running in the rain on a chilly day. I started to think of when I could let myself stop running. I was not feeling as great as I was last weekend but decided I could still try for the full 5 miles. Last weekend I continued to run the rest of the road to my house instead of switching to a cool down walk. I was deciding if I would run the rest of the way home (to add on an additional quarter mile) or just walk. I really want ed to walk at the 5 mile mark, but figured then I would get cold and just be cold, wet and walking down the road in the rain. I ran for about 2 more minutes and stopped to walk. It was just as miserable as I was imagining so I sucked it up and ran the last minute/minute and a half home.

5 miles took me 58:24

I then ran an additional 3:30 (estimating, my stopwatch stops at an hour) minutes for my last quarter mile.

I felt proud! (and cold and wet) I am excited to see how next weeks run goes and am really hoping for that amazing feeling during the official 10k.

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