Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Close call

I talked myself out of a potential crisis situation, sort of. Little lady and I finished our grocery shopping for the week today. We had just a few things on our list, one of those being brownie mix. I keep hearing people talk about mixing pumpkin with brownie mix and I really wanted to try it. I have mixed pumpkin with cake mix and liked it, so why not brownie mix. We got to the baking aisle and I saw No Pudge brownie mix which I haven't looked for since being on Weight Watchers. I checked the nutrition label versus other brownie brands and it was slightly lower in calories so I decided on No Pudge brownie mix. My plan was to make them this afternoon, enjoy one, save one for hubby and freeze the rest individually. Then, I would have portion controlled brownies when I needed them. I mean, sure I haven't needed brownies on this whole journey yet, but I figured I should prepare now. (Although I have secretly eaten mug brownies during some times of out of control eating.)

While deciding on which brownie mix I would use, something caught my attention- carrot cake mix. I don't spend a lot of time looking at the cake mixes so I don't know if this is rare/new, but I don't remember ever seeing this before. I started thinking that pumpkin and carrot cake mix would be quite tasty together. I was thinking about making them into cupcakes and I could freeze those as well. I continued shopping and started thinking about these cupcakes. Everyone knows a carrot cake isn't complete without...cream cheese frosting. Thankfully, I did not buy a container of cream cheese frosting because I am pretty sure I would be sitting here eating it straight out of the container and talking about tomorrow being a new day. However, I remembered last year making a frosting out of cool whip, cream cheese and powdered sugar. I already had cream cheese(1/3 fat) and sugar at home, so I picked up a tub of cool whip(store brand-lite).

It doesn't end there though. While in the cool whip/dessert/ice cream aisle, I decided I should check on the ice cream. Why not, right? I am already there. I might as well look around. What if there is a new flavor there that I haven't seen. Well, wouldn't you know that I saw something I hadn't seen before! It was Arctic Zero ice cream-150 calories a pint. I found chocolate peanut butter and couldn't put it down.

I finished my shopping without any other items that weren't on the list. As I was checking out, I started to panic about the "junk" I was buying. I didn't want it anymore, but felt just as stupid to pull out all the junk food and explain that I didn't want it anymore. I should have been stronger and not cared what my cashier thought, but I carried on and bought the junk.

We got home and I was putting away the groceries away while little lady ate lunch. I could feel my out of control feeling coming back to me. I almost stopped putting the groceries away to warm up my own lunch and eat then. I usually have problems if I eat lunch to early and it almost always leads to me snacking through the entire naptime. I decided to hold off on lunch and continue with the groceries. I put the cool whip in the freezer- I don't like to eat it frozen so I think I can handle it in there. If I take it out to thaw, at least I will have some time to rethink. I put the cake mix in the cupboard and figure I can save my carrot/pumpkin cupcakes for an evening that we have friends over so I know I will have to use self control. I tasted the Arctic Zero. It wasn't as bad as I was imagining, but it also wasn't good enough that I wanted to completely indulge. I am actually glad I bought the ice cream (Is it even ice cream?) because when I have ice cream in the house I usually plan on just having a taste now and then, but a taste always end up being at least a serving or two. This I could taste every once in awhile if I am just feeling snacky.

I left the No Pudge mix on the counter to be baked in the afternoon. As I got little lady situated for her nap I started to get the kitchen cleaned up from her lunch and really thought about these brownies. I am not craving brownies right now, I am just curious how it will taste with pumpkin. I don't need to make brownies today and given that I was feeling "off" I decided that I really shouldn't make brownies today. I put the mix away to save for a day that I can better handle it. Phew!

I checked my 10k training schedule to see what was on plan so I could distract myself from the kitchen and kick this mood to the curb before it ruins the progress I am making again. I had 45 minutes of cross training. I really didn't want to do the treadmill again so I decided to do a workout video. I liked slim in 6 for awhile during my college days and was going to do that, but the DVD wouldn't read. I found Billy's Bootcamp and decided to give it a go. It was interesting to do because I remember not being able to keep up before. It was quick moving, but I could keep up with the Billy! However, 15 minutes into it I was bored and did not want to do a video. I decided that since it's a cross training day and I am being moody I should find something that seems fun to me. I really just wanted to shake the mood and as long as I was moving for 45 minutes, I could count it. I decided to put on some music and use my stairs. I ran up them 10 times during every other song. During the rest of the time I would dance/flail/walk. I ended up climbing my stairs 40 times. It was enough to get my heart going and a little sweaty. Most importantly though, I feel better and in control again. Still no brownie for me though.

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