Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Breakfast of champions

 I am having such a hard time staying motivated right now. I am totally blaming the weather! I did manage to stay on track yesterday and I feel good about that. I even tried to run. I decided that I wanted to run yesterday so I busted out the old treadmill. Oh boy, do I hate that thing. I started out and my thighs felt weird, like it was painful when they jiggled (embarrassing) but I kept going. Normally I know they jiggle, but I can't actually feel it. I was trying to pick up the pace and my calf started hurting. Back track: The night after the 10k I was feeling fine. Nothing seemed sore from my 10k. When I was laying in bed, I did a full body stretch and my calf cramped up really bad. It cramped up off and on through the night. Since that night though it has seemed fine. Back to my story: As I was attempting to pick up speed my calf was starting to cramp. I decided that since I didn't have to run/wasn't enjoying it that I could stop. I really don't want to cause an injury unnecessarily. I was disappointed in myself that I didn't even run for a full 10 minutes, but I let it go.

I was going to do a Jillian Michaels workout today, but it started with a lot of arm swinging and then into push ups and for whatever reason my shoulder is still having issues. I decided that I would do a brisk half hour walk on treadmill. That seems good for a recovery week.

I did have a bit of a non scale victory yesterday along with staying within my calories for the day. I went grocery shopping and actually stuck to my list (for the most part)! I have been enjoying yogurt as a snack so I needed to pick up some yogurt. While looking through the yogurt for my new favorite, Muller, I noticed they had a bit more variety than last week. I had found Muller yogurt and fruit mousse. It is delicious and perfect when I want something sweet. This time along side of the fruit mousse yogurt there were little yogurts with "accessories." They had fruit ones, but of course I was much more intrigued with the desserty types. They had yogurt with "choco balls" and another with caramelized almonds. The fruit mousse yogurt is less than 150 calories (high for a snack, but worth it to me) but these treats were over 200 calories. I bought one of each and decided they could be a breakfast option. Here comes the non scale victory part: I tend to get home from the grocery and want "just a taste" of every delicious food that I brought home. I was trying to move some calories around and eat a yogurt after lunch. I knew that if I spent those extra calories right after lunch, I would be hungry and in need of those calories later. I managed to resist the yogurt all day, even after enjoying a glass of wine!

I did decide that the perfect Halloween Breakfast would be yogurt with "choco balls." I believe I was right.
Breakfast of champs.
yummy holiday breakfast
delicious, but the picture is deceiving

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