Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekend weight warrior

I survived the weekend with my mom and grandma. It was a nice visit with nothing to special planned. My grandma likes to visit on those types of trips. She doesn't like the weekends that she comes here and we run around all day, so I think she was happy. Little lady was in a super cranky mood through most of the weekend though so that was definitely a bummer. Especially because, let's face it, they are really just here to see her.

They made it to our house really late on Saturday. We were ready for bed by the time they got here. It was 9:30pm. Lame. Sunday morning they did watch little lady for a bit so hubby and I could go running. We have never gotten to run our trail together without the jogging stroller. Unfortunately about a half mile into the run hubby's leg was really hurting him. He is usually a macho man so it must have been bad. He decided he would just walk a bit and catch up with me after I turned around (at the further point this time). I was thankful that he knew how important the run was for me. I was worried he would be upset that I didn't help take care of him, but he was really encouraging. I made it to the turn around and headed back. When I ran into hubby he ran with me for a bit again. He ended up running and walking about 2.5 miles on his bum leg. I was proud that I managed to run the whole 3.5 miles, not counting when I stopped with hubby for a minute a half mile in. I felt pretty good the whole time too. I actually feel like I will be able to run this 10k!

The rest of Sunday was spent eating. Thankfully, I ate really lightly for breakfast and lunch because my family goes way overboard with food. My grandma likes to cook and I don't think she gets to cook much at home since it's just her so she wanted to make pork chops for dinner. I figured that would go with the pierogies and I could grill up some zucchini. That's not to bad for a meal. A heavy meal, but still. My mom also made a salad and applesauce to go with everything. The food choices weren't to bad, but there was definitely a lot of food to go around. My grandma made 8 huge pork chops. There were only 4 adults and little lady. My grandma also wanted to make mashed potatoes and rolls. I talked her out of both, especially the rolls. We were at Sam's club so it would have been a huge bag of rolls. She did have to buy cookies. I managed to have a quarter of a cookie with my coffee on Sunday and a half of cookie with my lunch today. That is huge for me. I am so tempted by sweets, but I have gotten a lot better lately.

While they were here I couldn't help wonder if some of my relationship with food goes back to my family. I don't believe that I can blame my heaviness on my family, I am the one that makes my food choices but I think some of it may be feelings towards food are influenced by my childhood. It makes me wonder if maybe that's why my portions are so out of whack. I mean my grandma made 8 pork chops! She also kept trying to add on to the menu. There is always huge portions of food at our family parties and everyone pushes it onto each other. (I also understand why my hubby always told me I was making way to much food. Now when I cook I make 4 servings. We each eat one, little lady eat one, or half and has the other half for lunch the next day. Hubby then has lunch with the leftovers or I can eat it for lunch the next day. Plus, then if we do actually clear out the food, we will have eaten 1.5-2servings.) I am constantly trying to figure out what makes me eat the way I do. I know that I have to figure it out if I want to lose the weight and actually keep it off. I am happy that on this journey in weight loss land I am figuring some of that out.

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