Thursday, September 13, 2012


Weight loss is always an adventure. It definitely has its ups and downs. I love the thrill of standing on the scale and seeing a lower number. I also hate expecting a lower number and it not coming or almost worse losing so slowly it barely seems mentionable. Tomorrow is my first official blog weigh-in. I was totally expecting to see a loss for me tomorrow, but I think yesterdays mindless eating totally put an end to that. I have to remember that first of all the scale isn't everything. Repeat it, the scale isn't everything. I got in all of my workouts so far this week and even went on an extra long bike ride. That is worth celebrating. I also had a full week of counting calories. That has not happened possibly all summer long. We were gone so many weekends and I just don't track when we aren't at home. I still try to make the best choices, but I just don't actually track it. Secondly, I need to remember that since this is the first blog weigh-in, I can't even gain from the previous week. It will just be my new starting ground.

The positive with this is that it reminds me of the feeling before a weight watchers weigh-in. When I was actually attending weight watchers meeting I was so motivated by my weigh-in day that I swear it was the main factor in my losing weight. I would think about it the day before and eat extra carefully, sort of like brushing extra carefully before a dentist appointment. That's normal, right? Today I really upped my water in hopes of flushing out a few pounds.

So why did I start this post? This blog was created to help motivate me to continue losing weight. I had never really been interested in blogging or reading anyone's blogs before, but during this attempt at weight loss and running I have stumbled on some great weight loss/running blogs and have been so motivated by them. I blogged privately for awhile and realized how helpful it is personally to write down and reflect on my weight loss but decided to take it publicly (although no one I know actually knows about this blog. Well, my husband discovered it because I kept sneaking away to the computer each night...) to feel like the chance of someone finding this and being inspired could motivate me. I will admit that I do think of this blog out on my runs and while making food choices. I want to be able to blog about making the right choices and not failing. Maybe this blog will help get the job done. Either way, expect the gloves to come off tomorrow.

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