Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cooking and running, one day they will balance out

So with all the fun in the kitchen, there has been a downside. I struggled with my eating yesterday. I am proud to say that I ate well on Monday and Tuesday, but something snapped on Wednesday and I derailed. It happens and I started over today. I did manage to stop myself mid binge with a cracker heading to my mouth and stopped the craziness. Before the crackers though there was that frozen yogurt (only about 1.5 servings left though so I managed to spread out the joy for a few days), frozen taquitos, biscotti, and A LOT of crackers. It wouldn't have been so bad if I could have had one servings of each, but I didn't. I did however not let that binge take over the rest of the day. Usually, if I have an afternoon binge I let myself binge for the rest of the day. I got back on track and had a light dinner and unfortunately a serving of homemade pierogies. A serving is 8, right? sure.But more importantly, I said "homemade pierogies!"

We rarely (as in once before with my grandma) make pierogies and have been wanting to for awhile. It is near impossible to pass up fresh pierogies so I cut myself some slack and have been good all day today. Back to the pierogies though. My grandma makes the absolute best pierogies ever! She is obviously Polish and if the family could get her to make them more often we would all be in heaven. She has no recipe for them and everyone always asks her for it. I actually convinced her to let me make them with her twice now. The first time though she had already made the dough and filling so I can't really count it. I did get to work with her once from beginning to end and took notes (this has been about 2 years ago now). Although looking at them last night they were very quick notes and not quite complete. Between me and the husband though we got it mostly figured out.

no one ever said making pierogies wouldn't be a mess.

We rolled out the dough and cut out circles. These are my perfect circles.

Here I am filling my pierogies. So glamorous.
Our beautiful products.

Hubby dropping the pierogies into the boiling water.

We actually made pierogies that tasted pretty good. We were proud! They are definitely not as good as my grandmas, but I will get there. Ours were a bit to doughy, but all around not bad. We ate our generous servings last night and quickly froze the rest. My mom and grandma are actually coming to visit us this weekend and we want to surprise them with our homemade pierogies. I don't know if anyone has ever made my grandma's pierogies for her. I am guessing not since she doesn't share the recipe so I am excited to surprise her. I will have to get a picture of the batch all cooked up then. Our kitchen was such a disaster by the time we were enjoying ours that I didn't even attempt it.

Our little helper who kept checking on us in the kitchen.
Today I did manage to get my 2.5 mile run done too! It felt good. It was one of the longest runs I had to push little lady on. I have to get used to it though since my weekly runs are 2-3 miles. It went surprisingly well. I always start out rough and promise myself to at least run 15 minutes before taking a break. Usually once I hit 15 I trick myself with a few more minutes here and there. Today I did 26 minutes and then stopped to walk for about 30 seconds and then ran the rest. I finished my 2.5 miles in 29:46. I am definitely not a speed racer, but I am fine with that.

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