Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Jeans are the staple piece to most outfits. I have never really spent a lot of time picking out my jeans. I have pretty much always had to be the girl that just hoped the jeans would fit and if they did I would buy them as quickly as possible and just hope that whoever cashed me out didn't notice the size. I recently read something about Old Navy and Gap making gateway mom jeans. It made me laugh but also made me think hard. If you Google "Old Navy and Gap make gateway mom jeans" you will find it too. It's really interesting. The woman writing took pictures of her wearing Gap, Old Navy and other name brand jeans and compared them. It was amazing what the right pair of jeans can do for you. Now granted I don't have the money to go out and buy expensive jeans but I can watch out for deals. Which is exactly what I did this weekend.

While my mom and grandma were in town we went shopping in our little downtown area. We hit up a boutique together and I did find some really cute pants. They were $110. That's not an option for me. Plus, maybe I will continue to lose weight and I don't want to spend a ton on a pair of pants that I won't get to wear long. They continued to another boutique and I went into Glik's. I am not sure if they are a chain store or not. They have a lot of skater brand clothing, but they also have an area with North Face and Columbia. Most of the clothing seems to be directed towards younger girls but there are a few things that seem appropriate for older women. I immediately headed to the clearance section. There was a pair of jeans that I thought would fit me. I tried them on and they did! They were a little bit tight, but they fit well enough that I would wear them out in public. I can only assume they will fit better soon. They were originally $70, but on clearance for $30. I don't even usually pay that much but I was super excited about even fitting in to jeans at this store. I carried them around and kept wishing the hubby had come into the store with me. I kept finding more and more cute things that fit me. Eventually the hubby found me and approved my clothing selection. We decided it could be an anniversary gift. I bought the jeans, cute heels on clearance for $7 and a shirt of $15. I was so happy and have been wearing my new jeans and heels every evening.
back of the jeans. I liked the design, cute but not to much bling. I hate jean bling.
I don't know why this picture turned upside down and I don't know how to fix it. This is the front of the jeans, heels and shirt. I love them!
I don't even wear heels that much but these were to cute and different. I loved the heel and didn't feel to bad buying them since they were affordable.

On Another jean note, I fit my butt and stomach into some of my old jeans. They are a size 12, but a vanity size 12. I think I wore them before when I weighed 165lbs. I was excited they fit and didn't muffin top me to much. I am going to have to get ride of the pairs of jeans that I had been wearing. I try to only keep two pairs of jeans that fit me in rotation. I worry that if I keep my bigger pants it will be to easy to overeat and retreat to the comfort of my fat jeans. I am getting closer and closer to my magic jeans that I wore to my bachelorette party! It is fun to see the pile of jeans in my closet get smaller and smaller.
Old jeans that finally fit! (Ignore the baby mess all around me, no baby was harmed in the taking of this picture.)

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