Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bodacious Biking Babes

I am almost thinking that my weight loss weigh-ins are not going to happen. I have not been focusing as much as I want to. I felt much more confident when I was focusing on my running goals and just trying to control my eating. It took me 5 months to lose 20 pounds, but it felt easy and right. With my weekly weigh-ins I almost feel to rushed to try to see results. I feel so much extra stress. I am going to stick it out for one month and then reevaluate. I may just switch to a monthly weigh-in. I think this week has been extra rough on my weight because I have been drinking more than I would like to (I know, whoa is me).

While my mom and grandma were here they let us go out one night for an early celebration for our upcoming anniversary. We went out to a bar and had a few drinks. Monday is our date night and we had a sitter for the first time in forever. We went out for a wine tasting. Tonight is my first MOMS night out. Which is at a bar. I am excited for it and I know I could go there and not drink but I don't want everyone's first impression of me to be the quiet awkward girl that wouldn't have a drink. Also, our actual anniversary is on Thursday and we bought a growler of sangria from our wine tasting night and we wanted to have some on Thursday.

Lately I have been able to drink and not overeat with it. That used to be the huge struggle for me. I was proud of myself that I could drink and still make wise food choices. Yesterday though, I had a light dinner to try to account for the alcohol calories and then overindulged after we got home from the wine tasting. I knew better than to under eat before drinking. Tonight I am making chili which is usually filling so hopefully I don't blow today in the last few hours.

I did my cross training today. The schedule called for 35 minutes, but I did an hour and 45 minutes. I am not trying to overdo it, but I know that it's going to get cold out soon so on my cross training days I am trying to get out there with my bike and enjoy it. Plus, we didn't have anything official on our schedule (no playgroups, library group, or "school"). If it rained we were going to grocery shop, but the weather looked like it would hold out for the morning. It was a little chilly, but beautiful out. I was excited because I decided we would ride to the beginning of the White Pine Trail. We always run around mile markers 6-8 so I figured that would be the perfect distance for a morning ride. We made it to the start and I think we went a total of about 16 miles with our ride to and from the trail. My legs feel pretty sore from it. I was really working it on the ride back. Right around the start of the trail this group of 45-60 year old ladies were heading for the trail. I thought, oh I better speed up it's such a hassle to pass people with this baby trailer. I regretted that almost immediately. They were going just as fast as I was and I had to much pride to be passed by older ladies that looked like they were just out on a casual bike ride. I kept thinking I would just ride for 10 more minutes and then pull off for some water and to check on little lady. At each 'ten minutes' where was always something. Once it was a giant hill that I was pretty sure they would walk up and I could lose them. They didn't. Two of the ladies passed me on the way to the hill picking up speed, but took a two second break at the top of the hill and I was in the lead again. The next stop I thought about taking two of the ladies pulled off to use the restroom so the group slowed down. After that point there were no real stops and I thought I would look weak taking an 'emergency break.' I had to keep pushing it the whole time. The only thing that is redeeming about this story is on the back of one of the ladies' jacket it said something about bodacious biking babes. I am guessing that they go out biking much more than me :) I also couldn't help but think that I hope that I am that awesome when I am their age.

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