Saturday, September 15, 2012

Numbers can be so confusing

I started off the day strong! My brother in law and his wife came over around 8 this morning to run with me. I wasn't sure about running with people when I first began my running adventure, but I am starting to really like it now. I had 3.5 miles on the schedule today. I had previously borrowed a friend's Garmin but don't have one now so I sort of go by memory. We talked and ran and I felt positive about the turn around point (I always run out and backs). We headed back and I was feeling great. We got to our ending point and started our cool down walk. I checked my watch and it had been 28:54. I thought that was pretty fast for 3.5 miles but didn't do the math. I know bro in law runs fast so I figured I ran fast pacing with him. I was feeling great! We got back to the house and talked with the hubby and all of a sudden I realized there was no way in hell we ran 3.5 miles. I was so upset with myself. I kept focusing on it. I still don't understand what I was thinking at my turn around spot. I do get confused because most of my runs are with little lady and I start at a different spot if I have the jogging stroller.

The flip side though is that my mom and grandma will be here until Monday so tomorrow the hubby and I can run 3.5 miles together. Today's run will cover Monday's 2.5 so it's not a complete loss. I will still be on track for my 10k training program.

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