Friday, November 30, 2012

Autumn Blues

Oh how I love and hate fall time. I love the look of the leaves as everything changes to fall. I love the crisp fall air and the holidays. However, every fall as far back as I can remember I tend to get depressed. I am not feeling as down as usual this year, but there is just a blah feeling. It is so easy to just want to turn the heat up and cuddle up under a blanket for the next few months.

I am happy to report though that I am fighting the heavy sadness. I have been eating well and running. Last week was mostly hit or miss, but this week I have counted calories every day and ran every day! I did weigh in today. I didn't take a picture because I didn't think I was up for the morning when I weighed myself and before I realized it was officially morning I was slamming water and coffee and didn't want a heavier weigh in. I did see 166.1 lbs. I was happy with that. I lost a little focus around Thanksgiving so I am happy to be down about a half pound...even though it has taken me almost 2 weeks to do that.

I haven't been blogging much these days due to my mood. I think I will just stick to blogging once a week in the winter for my weigh ins and probably will blog more in the summer when there is so much more going on. Although I haven't been blogging, I have been reading a lot of blogs. One in particular has really been making me think.

I love finding a new blog that has been well established and has a lot of entries. It is so fun to go to the beginning and read along their journey, root for them, and see their success. Sometimes it makes it hard to follow "live" blogs because you actually have to wait weeks/months to see their results and be excited. My first favorite "read from the start" blog was
Actually, Katie's blog was the first blog that I actually thought was interesting. I read it from the start to current and was actually bummed to get to the current day and it was 'over.' Now I get to look forward to an update every day and it helps to keep me on track and keep me reminded that no one is alone on this weight loss journey.

I recently was on the hunt for another 'must read' blog. It helps me so much to find a new blog that is well documented and read a few entries here and there...especially when I am feeling snacky. A few weeks ago I found I will admit that I wasn't instantly hooked, but I loved the look of her blog and started reading. She is very detailed and has a lot of information. She follows weight watchers and shares a lot of information that she hears there. (I am only caught up to her in 2010, but I get a feeling she becomes a leader.) I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to the weight watchers information because I have attended weight watchers before and a lot of their information is repetitive. I was reading it to watch her transformation. I have been realizing these past few days that her weight watcher information/healthy thinking is starting to get to a good way. She talks a lot about eating for fuel and really thinking about why you are eating and what you are eating. I do try to eat healthy, but I still slip a lot. This past week though I am really trying to eat when I am hungry and let it just be a meal and not my form of enjoyment. I am still eating healthy foods that I enjoy, but I am eating to fuel my body and then find something fun to enjoy. It seems to be helping me and making me really focus on why I eat. I am excited to have her blog to follow now in addition to my other ones.

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