Thursday, November 15, 2012


It's so surprising how quickly things change. If I am eating well and have a day "off" then I immediately feel like shit and seem to "give up" on health. Thankfully though, the opposite is true as well. I have been back on track all week. I can honestly say that I have counted every calorie I have consumed since Monday morning. I am so happy and feeling completely better (well, minus being exhausted. I just can't seem to adjust to 5am wake up calls.). Interestingly enough this is the week I went back to Hal Higdon's training schedule. It is so nice to have such sort runs right now. Even though they are totally kicking my ass. It is at least keeping me moving through the start of the cold months. Today I did 1.5 miles on the treadmill. I did have to walk once, but that is still improvement for me.

I still feel like I need to recap from the weekend so hopefully this will be the last 'all over the place' entry; at least for a little bit. So this weekend we had 5 of our favorite friends come to visit us. We had a race to run together. I know, how could I not have shared that I was training for a race? Well, this was a .1k. Yes, you read that correctly, a point one k. It was amazing! It was a fun run/beer run. It was being sponsored by some of the bars downtown and they had a block closed off for the run and then drink specials at the bars after we ran. It was definitely fun and I would probably do it again, but I definitely drank way to much. We were lucky enough to have Nate's sister in law spend pretty much all of Saturday with little lady. It felt really good to spend a day being carefree. However, it did take me until Tuesday to feel recovered.

Another recent surprise happened on Tuesday morning. Little lady and I were headed off for the day. I backed out of the garage and noticed a huge wild turkey next to the driveway. I thought it was insane and quickly ran back inside to grab a camera. I walked across the driveway to find out where that thing went and as I passed the garage something behind it caught the corner of my eye.
suburban turkeys

There was about 15 turkeys in my yard! I thought it was hilarious and shocking. I was walking towards them to try to get a better picture and spooked them. They started flying over the fence into the neighbor's yard. I sort of paniced for a minute, not sure if I should take a picture of them flying or video. In my panicked hesitation I snapped of pic of the last one over the fence.

Also, tomorrow is weigh in day, but this is the final week of my competition that I joined. It officially ends on Sunday so I will probably just use that as my weight. I will post a current weight by Monday. (We have another set of friends coming to town this weekend so I may be busy.) I have actually been not focusing on the scale. I haven't weighed myself since last Friday. I know I didn't help the weight loss with all the drinking I did over the weekend, but I am hoping the week helped me out. If not, I actually feel ok about that. It is feeling good to just focus on living healthy and not stepping on the scale every time I see it.

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