Saturday, November 3, 2012

Back at it

Today was my first actual run since the 10k. I decided to make it a longer run because I really want to keep my endurance up. I decided to just run for awhile, but hadn't set an exact distance to aim for. I just want to run for fun before I start training for my next event. I learned one thing on today's run: the small runs during the week are actually important! Who knew? So, yeah, I struggled on today's run.

It was in the 30s when I headed out to run so I decided to try out my winter running tights. I felt pretty goofy. I wore the running tights, a pair of running shorts over them, a long sleeve shirt and my 10k race tee over the long sleeves. I asked the husband if I looked a bit to ridiculous. (I may have been hoping he would say that I looked ridiculous so I could just stay home.) He said quite possibly the best thing I have ever heard come out of his mouth..."You look like a runner." How could I not run after hearing that? I headed out.

looking like a runner?
It was cold, but I felt comfortable in my new running gear. My running tights were a bit tight on my butt and waist so I was thankful for the running shorts because they seemed to hide some of the issues I was having. The running shorts did ride up throughout most/all of the run but I didn't really care and couldn't feel it so oh well. I ended up running about 5 miles. Once I was on the trail I was planning on just running a 4 mile run but at the turn around point there were people and since I am so awkward I just couldn't turn around in front of them. (Thank you awkwardness!) I am not positive on how far I ran since I am not keeping count right now, but I believe it was around 5 miles. I finished at 57:00. I felt good.

I want to make myself a training schedule for the winter months. I need to keep running and not lose all of the work that I have put into this. I am thinking of combining a little from Hal Higdon's winter training schedule and his intermediate 5k schedule since I may be running a 5k in mid December. I am also toying with the idea of running a half marathon in April which would make half marathon training start in mid January. How exciting!

I am researching the different Garmin forerunners as well this weekend. I have wanted one since I started running and found out that these things exist. I wanted to be sure that I was hooked on running before trying to invest in one and I feel that running is sticking! I have been mentioning it to the hubby as a possible Christmas gift for pretty much the whole time too. It is looking hopeful. We don't usually spend much on gifts for each other, but he is willing to make an exception for me. How sweet. (Although he also has his eyes on some expensive new tools.)

I also had a small victory last night. The Halloween candy was calling me. I ignored it all day and then for some reason I started to give in. Thankfully little lady was awake and loves candy so I couldn't really just sit in front of her and eat all of her candy. That just didn't seem nice. I gave her one piece and then took one tootsie roll. I used my candy corn trick, tootsie rolls are not my favorite so again I felt like I could have one and stop at one. It worked! I felt like I had eaten candy and didn't want anymore. I am sure I would have enjoyed a delicious chocolate bar more but I can't seem to have just one. I will admit that after little lady went to bed the chocolate continued to taunt me. I even held it in my hands twice. I won though, all of the chocolate is still there!

Sorry this post is all over the place. I have a lot of thought running through my head and am feeling super positive today. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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