Monday, November 26, 2012


I am still hanging on over here. I kept trying to keep in mind that the holidays are just one day not the whole winter season. I was determined that I would eat well and just not worry about it on Thanksgiving and then get back on track. It didn't go as well as I would have liked. I was doing well until Wednesday evening. I mindlessly ate while I was prepping everything for the big day. I still woke up on Thanksgiving feeling positive and in charge. I did something I have never done on Thanksgiving before, I ran! It was a short one, but it felt good. I ate a nice breakfast on Thanksgiving and kept the snacking in line most of the day. However, my turkey was supposed to be done around 4 and it ended up not being done until closer to 6. During those two hours I felt really stressed out and ate my way through it, mostly in the form of cheese. I also ate my dinner and a piece of pie.

I woke up Friday ready to start over again. I ate a nice breakfast and then just continued to eat ALL day long. And then ordered a pizza and had 4 slices. Yikes, not my best day.

Saturday I got it back together and went running and ate well.

Sunday we had friends over for Friendsgiving. I ate normally throughout the day and then had a large dinner. Thankfully everyone was full after dinner so we didn't even mess with the pie for dessert so my Sunday was good except for the large dinner and possibly to many drinks.

Today I was back on track though. As much as I am disappointed in myself for wasting a long weekend eating like a crazy lady, I don't consider it a complete waste. In my previous weight loss attempts I would have stayed off track for weeks, probably until January. I am especially proud that I ate well on Saturday, knowing that I would have a large dinner on Sunday. I used to reason that since I knew I wouldn't be able to diet the next day there was no reason to diet for one day. I would have waited until Monday to even attempt to get myself back in line.

Another thing I have noticed is how important it is for me mentally that I have no goal date. I have a goal weight, but no idea of when I will be there. I know before that I would get frustrated if I had a bad week and I knew my goal would take longer and I would start to lose focus. I was reminded of that this weekend. I had sent in my official weight loss number for my blog competition and felt like it was sort of an excuse to binge since the competition was over. I declined signing up for the next round because it totally plays tricks in my mind that after each round I can have a free for all. I am enjoying my slow, leisurely stroll to health.

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday!

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