Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday figures

It's that day of the week again, where I get to "face the facts." I was expecting a loss but not a very big one. I have started weighing myself throughout the week again. I am trying to not be obsessive about it but for me right now, it seems to keep me a bit more focused on the idea that I do want to get to goal weight. I have been down about a pound the last few times that I weighed myself. This morning I stepped on and was genuinely shocked, I saw 161.9. I feel good about that!

I felt particularly good because last night was a struggle. The hubby has been continuing to perfect his perfect pizza recipe (which I just usually make myself something different when he wants pizza) and he wanted to have his dad over to try it out. If people come over for the pizza then I will enjoy the pizza with everyone. I factored in the calories for the pizza and added a side salad and planned a glass of wine. I actually stuck to my plans pretty well and felt quite rewarded this morning.

I am feeling extra motivated to work on weight loss again. I have been casually working on my weight loss forever. I know I thought February was my month, but now March is! :) I realized that I have been in a sort of maintenance mode for awhile, except for the first two weeks of February. I really need to focus on these last 20ish pounds. I know that I can do it and then hopefully I will be able to continue to work in maintenance mode. I have a few things planned for the time coming.

I keep hearing about every one doing cleanses. I have never really thought about doing one, but I am having such a hard time kicking my cravings that I started to think about one. My friend actually mentioned doing a cleanse/detox when we talked after her vacation so we did what comes naturally and decided to cleanse together! We won't be buying any cleanse kit of sorts. I just read up on cleansing and decided to eat clean and take psyllium husk capsules. I really just want to feel good from eating good. We are starting on Monday, March 18 and will follow our program for 10 days.

We will be avoiding dairy, white grains, alcohol, processed foods, and caffeine (although I did decide if I really, really need it, I can have one cup of coffee.).

Our diet will consist of fruit, veggies, lean meats, eggs, beans, whole grains, and nuts.

I don't think this will be to hard for me. I mostly eat "clean," but when I binge I go crazy on processed or white grains. I am hoping that by completely avoiding them for 10 days I can be stronger against them. 

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