Friday, January 25, 2013

Birthday madness

Today is Friday and that can only mean one thing. Weigh in day! I thought I would be so happy with the results, but I weighed in today at 166.0lbs. I was slightly disappointed because I actually saw 164 last weekend before my binge. I had to remind myself that last Friday I was 166.8 so I did lose almost a pound. I am fine with a pound and will continue to work at it. I have also been doing a bit more strength training than usual so perhaps my muscles are kicking in. Either way, I do feel good and am happy about that. Maybe next week I will be closer to 160 than 170.

On to the point of the post. Today is a special day to quite a few people. It is my amazing husband's birthday as well as Katie's. Katie is an amazing blogger who is so inspirational. For her 31st birthday she hosted a virtual 5k. Since her and my husband share a birthday and for some reason I could have sworn his bday fell on a Saturday this year, I didn't think I would participate in her 5k. As this week began I realized my husband's bday is on Friday which would also make Katie's bday and the 5k on Friday. I was excited to join in the fun. However, the joy didn't last long because I realized I would have to run during the day and Michigan winter is to cold to push a toddler in the jogging stroller so I would have to do my first treadmill 5k. Ugh.

I spent the morning trying to pump myself up for it. After little lady went down for her nap and I slowly got my important chores done, I dragged my treadmill to the living room and got started. I don't understand how people run on the treadmill. Outside I can easily do 3 miles. On the treadmill I want to quit 0.5 miles into it. I was not feeling into it today and wasn't worried about my time so I just ran when I felt like it and walked more than I needed to. I tried to mostly run, but I feel like it was more 50/50. I really should have pushed myself harder because official half marathon training starts in just over a week and I will have to do a few treadmill runs.

My results for the virtual 5k:

proof I actually survived 3.1 miles on the treadmill
I actually finished in 40:51 but had a moment trying to get my camera to work.

So, yeah nothing to impressive there but I was still proud to actually tough it out for 3.1 miles. Hopefully my next 3 mile run on the treadmill I will run a bit more than walking. I just need to actually move when I am running. I so prefer running outside than on that damn thing.

Onto more birthday fun: I wanted to take the hubs to Chicago by train this weekend, but with arranging childcare and winter weather driving it just wasn't looking to hopeful. We settled on just a night out downtown. My mom and grandma will be to our house by tomorrow afternoon and then we will be living it up as a childless couple downtown. I am hoping to eat a nice, healthy breakfast and lunch and just enjoy dinner and try to control my drinking. We will be staying in one of the best hotels in the area so I am excited. We haven't actually stayed there before, but we have been in it and it is beautiful. Hopefully he enjoys his fun filled birthday weekend.

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